Treatment and Educational Methods

With the change in the number of chromosomes during cell division in the mother's womb, the baby may be born with Down Syndrome. Contrary to the ordinary, it would be a more correct approach to call Down Syndrome as a genetic difference rather than a disease.

It is impossible to cure Down Syndrome. Because genetic coding is present in all cells of a person throughout his/her life and it is not possible for them to change. However, with the support of special education, steps can be taken to increase the independence of individuals with Down Syndrome in their daily life skills.

The Importance of Special Education in Down Syndrome

Like every human being, individuals with Down Syndrome who have genetic differences also have the right to education. The right to education of children with special needs living in Türkiye is guaranteed by the Special Education Services Regulation and the Decree Law No. 573 on Special Education. In fact, babies with Down Syndrome can benefit from free support education services from the moment they are born.

With a good education, individuals with Down Syndrome can make friends, go to school and even have a job just like any other person. At this point, the most basic principle to make progress is to start special education at an early age. For example, language therapies in special education classes, which are started at an early age, help prevent the child from speaking late. Again, the continuity of the education given and the close follow-up of the child are also very important to obtain positive results.

In Down Syndrome education, before the process begins, a program in accordance with the child's needs is created. The health board report is the most important identification tool at the beginning of the road. This report concretely documents the capacity and training needs of the individual in need of special education. In the next steps, social, emotional, cognitive and motor development of children with Down Syndrome is ensured by starting special education.

The Role of Family and Environment in Down Syndrome

Education starts in the family first… Therefore, the attitude of the families has an important place in terms of the psychology of the child with Down Syndrome, the way he/she expresses himself/herself and, above all, his/her happiness. Although support is provided by special education, the support and sensitivity of families and social environment play a great role during the education of people with this difference. At this point, it is essential for families to reach the right information about Down Syndrome and apply them. For example, being in contact with organizations working in the Down Syndrome field is one of the important methods that can increase the level of awareness of families.

Parents with children with Down Syndrome most need up-to-date and realistic information on the subject. Ensuring a versatile and inclusive flow of information helps determine the path to be followed by the family. The positive and sensitive approach of correctly informed families towards their special children will undoubtedly greatly facilitate the education process. For this reason, the approach of physicians, who are the first source of reference, to families is extremely valuable for the development of children with Down Syndrome.